Friday, August 24, 2012

Old Framed Poster turned Calendar

I know what you're thinking... another custom-made-calendar-using-an-old-unwanted-picture-frame? Oh but this is not just any ol' calendar, this custom-made calendar has a menu board on the bottom. AND a shopping list. ;) Yup, I put all three together. I've been seeing a lot of these on Pinterest and I've been wanting to make one...and I finally did it. Of course I did it at night when the kids were sleeping, so I didn't think of taking pics along the way. But here is the finished product.

I grabbed the framed poster from my friend awhile back. She no longer wanted it, and I knew one day it could be a beautiful calendar/menu board/shopping list. I first put two coats of some leftover paint I had. Then I wrapped the cardboard backing with some pretty Martha Stewart wrapping paper. Then my nifty Silhouette Cameo came into play. Did I ever mention I love this Cameo? I'm still learning how to use it, but it has been so much fun. With this project I finally learned how to do the whole print and cut method. This video was very helpful. (Note: Again, like with any of my other Cameo projects, if you have a Cameo and would like any of my templates, please let me know and I will happily email them to you.) Hope this will bring a bit more order to our lives. :)

Update: I wanted to show you the calendar in action. My husband had the brilliant idea of having a "rolling" calendar. What does that mean you ask? Well basically, once the week is finished, I erase it and add another week from the next month. So you can always look several weeks ahead. Still confused? Yes I was too when he explained it to me. Since I'm a visual person, I had to write it out for it to make more sense. I distinguish the two months by using two different colors. Hopefully it makes more sense to look at my calendar. If you have a dry-erase calendar, you should try it. I think it's pretty cool.

By the way, when choosing which dry-erase markers to purchase, I would get the Expo fine-tip low-odor markers. They seem to work the best. I also like these Bistro Chalk Markers (I got mine from Hobby Lobby using 40% off coupon). They have a more vibrant color (though it is a little bit messier when erasing). I tried the regular chisel tip Expo's...not so great. And the Board Dudes markers from Target were a fail too.

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